Labradoodle Care Guide: What Should You Feed Your New Puppy?

Labradoodles were first bred by a man named Wally Conron in 1988. Since then, the breed has taken the world by storm.

However, pets should never be a fad or fashion statement. They should be a beloved animal that is given a lifetime of love and care.

Caring for any kind of dog can be difficult, and labradoodle care is no exception. Puppies, in particular, require a lot of attention.

Perhaps you're thinking of adopting a labradoodle puppy, but don't know how to take care of them. What are you supposed to feed a labradoodle puppy?

We'll give you some advice below.

A Note on Labradoodles and Dog Food

Labradoodles and goldendoodles are lovable breeds who are full of energy and crave attention. If you want a happy, affectionate dog, a labradoodle is for you.

It's important that labradoodles eat dry dog food, both as puppies and adults. How much you should feed your dog depends on several factors, such as age, activity level, and various other factors.

A labradoodle is a large dog, so they'll need more food than a smaller breed, roughly 1 1/2 cups daily. Ideally, this should be split into two portions so the dog doesn't eat it all at once.

You could probably feed a puppy the same amount as you'd feed a smaller dog, but you'll need to increase it as the dog grows.

1. High in Protein

Dogs evolved over 10,000 years ago from wolves. Contrary to popular belief, wolves and dogs alike are not carnivores, but omnivores. That being said, meat is a large part of their diet.

One of the things dogs get from meat is protein, which is important for keeping your best friend muscular and active.

2. Organic

There's a big push for more organic food in all forms, and dog food is no exception. While the added materials are put in to lower prices, keep the food from spoiling, and even add nutrients, many are slow to trust them.

Meat is an especially big issue. Unlike plants, animals are often given hormones to help them grow larger so that more meat can be sold. Though we don't know for sure how much these hormones are affecting our bodies, some theorize that it's causing children to go through puberty earlier.

Concerned parties also warn that the more we begin to engineer our food sources, the more threats we could accidentally introduce. There's an old saying that goes 'building a better rat-trap just creates smarter rats.'

Is this the case for non-organic foods? Only time will tell.

The Best Food for Labradoodle Care

Labradoodle care can seem tough, but it doesn't have to be. There are plenty of great ways to keep your furry family member happy and healthy.

One of the best ways is to find a good dog food. Research dog food brands that are high in protein and organic in order to provide your four-legged friend a healthy diet. 

If you want to know more about goldendoodles, please visit our site. We can give you some great advice on grooming your goldendoodle.